Baosteel Zhanjiang Hot-Rolling Work Package 2 won Top Rating in National Green Construction Level
Source: Author:Department of Party-Masses Work Date:07 November 2022

Further to evaluation of the green construction level of 2022 engineering construction projects organized by China Association of Construction Enterprise Management on August 31, the Package 2 hot-rolling works of Baosteel Zhanjiang Iron & Steel Co., Ltd. No.3 Blast Furnace System Project undertaken by the industrial company won "three-star" rating, representing the top rating in China"s evaluation criteria for green building.

The project is located in Baosteel Zhanjiang Iron and Steel Base, Donghai Island, Zhanjiang City, Guangdong Province. The main works cover: civil engineering, structure, equipment, pipeline, electrical and automation within the boundary line e.g. main rolling line area, coil transportation system, coil yard, roll shop, water treatment, and dust removal.

At the outset of commencement, the Project Department attached great importance to green construction of the project, set up the green construction leading group, and prepared the green construction management system of the Project Department, formulated its green construction management plan, and guided the smooth implementation of green construction of the project in strict accordance with the requirements in specific documents and norm e.g. China MCC Green Construction Demonstration Drawings Collection, and the Group Company"s Key Points for Energy Conservation and Environmental Protection Management. During the project construction, the Project Department actively promoted the "double-optimization", and optimized the design of pile length, pile number, and foundation pit backfill according to the actual situation on site; and optimized the schemes for the construction method of pile support for foundation pit of laminar pump yard and the brick membrane for cutting edge of open caisson. The double-optimization strategy accelerated the project progress, reduced the construction cost, and achieved the goal of building an ecological project with green construction.

The award of top rating this time provides outstanding case and experience for industrial companies in building green construction demonstration of industrial metallurgical projects, and plays positive promotion role in further strengthening green construction management of construction projects and firmly upholding green development concept.

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